Essex Steam Train


Frango Chocolates from Paisely: One Drawing Each Day No.158 #sketcy #pen #drawing

My friend from Illinois sent me boxes of Frango.  They were "limited editions".  They were her thank-you gift for my helping her by sending brochures.  So nice of her to remember me for that.  She even wrote thank you in Japanese in her card.  Hope to see her soon.

Frango's origin seems to be Seattle but during the Great Depression Era, they started to create midwest version.  Their history is here in Wikipedia.  Today, Macy's produce and distribute Frango's chocolates.

I liked cheese cake version.  It was so cheese cake!


Soup & Bread of Hale and Hearty: One Drawing Each Day No.157 #pen #sketch #drawing

I sometimes bring lunch box but last week, I forgot to bring it though I made sandwiches.  So here's my lunch at Hale and Hearty.

A list of my lunch place
  • Hale and Hearty
  • Chop't
  • Pret A Manger
  • Chipotle
  • Sunrise Mart
  • Zaiya


Fashion Sketch: One Drawing Each Day No.156

Julie Johnson Art

Yesterday, I found the first firefly this year. It's still kind of chilly in the mornings and evenings but it is summer.

And this is the second anniversary since we came to New York.


Birds Series: One Drawing Each Day No.152 & 153 #pen #drawing #sketch

I tried to draw birds to practice drawing texture of feather.  Maybe better looking with colours but I stick black & white with my fountain pen.

European Robin
